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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

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The Latest from GadgetLite

K-Array Anakonda Speakers come with unique design

Posted: 03 Sep 2013 05:35 AM PDT

We covered all sorts of speakers in the past, but today we have a pair of speakers with unusual design, so let's have a closer look at them.

Anakonda speakers come from K-Array, and unlike most speakers that are square shaped, these speakers are designed to look like cables. In addition to looking like a cable, these speakers are flexible, so you can put them on all sorts of unusual locations. Each Anakonda speakers is 2m long, and you can daisy-chain up to 32 Anakonda speakers. We have to mention that each speaker comes with 150 watts output power, and single speaker weighs over three pounds.

As you can see, K-Array Anakonda have a lot to offer, and they will be perfect if you're looking for a set of powerful and unusual speakers. However, we have to mention that each Anakonda speaker is priced at $900, so you'll probably think twice before buying one.

[via Ubergizmo]

KeyMe service lets you store your keys in the cloud

Posted: 03 Sep 2013 04:48 AM PDT

Losing your keys can be quite frustrating, especially if you don't have a backup key, but luckily for you, today we have a service that you might find helpful.

KeyMe is a service that allows you to convert your keys into digital format, so you can always have a digital copy available. In order to create a digital copy of your key, you just need to visit KeyMe kiosk, create an account, and scan your key. The image and key pattern will be stored safely in the cloud, so if you lose your key, you can simply download it, and print it in case of emergency. KeyMe kiosk sounds interesting, and it's created with Benchmark Electronics, and it's available on 7-11 locations locations in New York.

KeyMe kiosk will let you store key patterns in the cloud for free, but using a pattern to create a key will cost you $19.99. If you don't mind having your keys stored in the cloud, you might want to give KeyMe service a try.

[via Ubergizmo]


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