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Thursday, March 1, 2012

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Turn your iPhone into smart ball with TheO

Posted: 01 Mar 2012 05:23 AM PST

We know that gaming isn't perfect and social on iPhone, but thanks to the products such as TheO, iPhone gaming might advance to another level in the future.

TheO is not a hi-tech accessory for your iPhone, it's actually a foam ball with a cutout for your iPhone, and it turns your iPhone into a smart ball. TheO combines the physical activity, and iPhone gaming into one thanks to the iPhone's accelerometer. You just need to place your iPhone inside the TheO, and choose one of the three games that you wish to play with your friends. List of available games includes Hot Potato, Interrogo and Bowling, but we hope that there will be more games in the future.

We admit that TheO sounds interesting, but so far, we don't know when we will see TheO available, and how much will it cost. In addition, there are some safety concerns as well, because you don't want your iPhone to slip from TheO, do you?

[via Ubergizmo]

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Windows 8 Consumer Preview is available for testing

Posted: 01 Mar 2012 04:08 AM PST

We are all waiting for Windows 8 with anticipation, and if you're inpatient as we are, you'll be pleased to know that Windows 8 is available for testing purposes.

It is obvious that Microsoft wants to release its touchscreen operating system in order to compete with Apple and Google, and unlike iOS or Android, Windows 8 will be able to run or variety of devices, from smartphones, tablets to computers and notebooks. If you own a device that can run Windows 8, you might want to get testing version for a free trial, because Microsoft has released Consumer Preview to the public. According to the Microsoft, new Metro UI is user friendly for both desktop and mobile users, and there should be two versions of Windows 8: one that works with on desktops and notebooks, and another version that is optimized for devices that run on ARM microprocessors.

The official release of Windows 8 is still far away, but if you're interested, you can try out the Consumer Preview of Windows 8 free of charge.

[via Ubergizmo]


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