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Sunday, October 19, 2014

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Four reasons to adopt tablets in the office

Posted: 19 Oct 2014 04:11 AM PDT

To a company that operated via typewriters and written letters, the concept of electronics worming their way into the corporate sphere might have seemed ridiculous. Of course, this might also have been the same company that never foresaw the appearance of DOS computers, or mobile phones, or the rise of the modern laptop.

Technology has always come across as a boon to businesses, enabling faster communication and creating a more reliable, interconnected entity overall. These changes were not always easy, however, and most of them came gradually and at a great cost. In this day and age, however, the switch to the latest and greatest tech is cheaper than ever, and it's cropping up in the most unexpected places. Tablets, which have the computing power of a laptop and the capabilities of a desktop, a phone, a webcam, and much more, have rolled onto the business scene and made a mark already. Yet the question remains: why should you pick up a tablet for your office? Here are four reasons that might answer that question.

Floating in Clouds

As noted by Entrepreneur, the digital trend of cloud-computing, hosting information on a centralized source, which can then be accessed by a range of users and devices, has made waves in the mobile and tablet worlds. A handful of new models, including the Samsung Nook, are automatically enabled with this feature. The reason for this is simple; because of a tablet's small size and inherent mobility, the need to receive mobile data and perform work on the go is even more crucial. So if you take your tablet on the subway, there's nothing stopping you from cranking out next week's board meeting reports, or looking over financial records. All of your data is automatically backed up on the cloud servers, which means that you'll never lose data again. If you tried this on a standard laptop, you might be in hot water for those files you accidentally deleted, or the system that decided to crash halfway through your employee reports. The cloud also enables your colleagues to access your information and work on their personal tablets, which means that you're a click away from finishing that monstrous project.

Better Access to Information

Almost every modern worker, including you, has access to their E-mail on some sort of device. Even if you abstain from the current breed of smart phones, you can check your mail on a laptop or desktop. The modern employee and consumer, however, are turning toward tablets as the newest source of information and communication, according to PC World. Tablets are finding their way into schools because of their swift connections to mobile data networks and vaults of information. This same benefit can be applied to your work and company, where the ability to look up marketing trends can be accomplished with a simple swipe or tap. Your tablet has the processing power of a computer, but without any of the hassle of such a bulky device. The cloud service on your tablet will always guarantee your access to E-mail (and records of these communications) no matter where you go.

Light Lifting

Anybody who has thrown out their back while moving a desktop computer (or its monitor) can attest to the weight of these machines. Moving it from one desk to another may not be so taxing, but moving it up and down flights of stairs, or attempting to reshuffle it to make room for wires can become a real nightmare. The beauty of a tablet is in its lightweight construction and durability, which can rival any laptop model. A tablet can be tucked into your bag and carried to work with ease. And of course, the business world thrives on modular designs, where your technology is expected to adapt to any situation or need. If you're required to present something at a board meeting, it's much easier to hold up your tablet and show it to the board members than to awkwardly angle a laptop screen. Similarly, you don't need to fuss with things like projectors or their associated wiring contraptions. Simply turn on the tablet, lift, and reveal your brilliance.

Advancing Apps

The appeal of going mobile has taken the business world by storm, particularly in smaller operations. Your ability to perform work on the go can mean the difference between a promotion and a lost contract. Telecommuting is simplified with tablets, of course, but the advantage of using a tablet rather than a laptop for this task is simple; apps are everywhere. Apps are programs designed for your specific tablet platform, and their functions range all across the board. The Register documented that many apps, like Office 365, are designed to organize and optimize your work capacity. Others, like Skype apps, can give you video conferencing abilities no matter where you are. Apps are being constantly developed, both by large software companies and average users alike, and their uses are tailored to whatever you need accomplished. So the next time a problem presents itself, don't get mad; get an app.


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